Category: 2014

Five go mad…

An adventurous December morming walk with the Osbournes and a set of walkie-talkies. We found –  Crepitodus mollis (brown gills, elastic peelable cuticle), Jelly Ear, Deceiver,  Clouded Funnel,
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Sunny Sunday

Still lots to find.. we found several Mycenas, some growing straight from the moss or even bark of trees (later identified as M.hiemalis and M.arcangeliana respectively). Mycena galopus
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Mushrooms on a stick…

        Quite a few fungi still around today.. As well as the “mushrooms on a stick” which still needs some identifying, we found some large
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Three amigos

Another new Dapperling – with unusual bullet-shaped spores. Spore size Me = 6.1 x 3 µm ; Qe = 2 Likely ID: the Stinking Dapperling, Lepiota cristata ——————————————————————–
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Dapperling Alley

Two excellent finds within the space of two days… first the Redspored Dapperling, Melanophyllum haematospermum. There are no other UK records for this on CATE2 for 2014. Never
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Happy hunters

A quick walk down to our favourite spot yeilded a full collecting box in 10 mins. A bit of a surprise for this time of year but lots
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