Spring Conecap and Psathyrellas..
|A few agarics around – Psathyrella tephrophylla on soil/woodchip, a Conocybe sp on soil near the North Lodge and a group of Psathyrella conopilus in their usual spot..
Firstly, Mr Conocybe…Cap: 3cm, light brown, darker in centre. Stipe: 3.5cm with ring (striate above). SP: brown. Basidia 4 spored.
There are a lot of species of Conocybe with little to choose between them and poor data available. This was quite robust – FoS led me to arrhenii then to C. hadrocystis in the small print (capitate GEC). Unresolved.
Next up is the medium agaric … which is actually a Psathyrella…Spore print was dark brown, no ring, gills adnexed and stem brittle led to Psathyrella (using Nichol).
Cap:7cm, brown – drying pale
Stipe: 7 x 0.8cm, white
Robust fruitbody, large spores and distinct GEC lead to Psathyrella tephrophylla (FoS). A new species for the Dene (we have now identified 40 species here).